Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Influenza A(H1N1) in Philippines

Some few days ago, I received this chain message:
How great is God?

Influenza A(H1N1) is an air borne disease.
Ecologists say that one way to clean the air is by raining.
Filipinos wonder why is it raining in summer.
Now you know.
But now, Philippine is contaminated with the deadly virus. In fact, there is already two cases here.

Honestly, I'm not being alarmed with the fact that Philippines is not an Influenza A(H1N1)-free country, unlike most people who's getting scared with it. Some are getting afraid to go out, while I think it's still safe outside. Well, that's me. I don't usually think that I'll be affected with this or that outbreak.

But the virus is affecting Filipinos life. For instance, avoiding close contact--even in the church--is being implemented. DepEd wants to postpone the opening of classes because of it. And for crying out loud, I think one of the reason why my mother don't want to allow me to go to the I:U meet-up is because of that damned virus! =/

Though I think the SARS virus that hit the Philippines years ago is still worse than this, people are starting to get paranoid.

It's starting. Climate change, epidemics, tragedies. Almost all of the news I hear now are about unpleasant ones.


Jeez, I sound pessimistic in this post, ne?


Kriselle said...

O? LOL Once I heard it from Ayyah, I got paranoid and started developing imaginary symptoms XD

~chibivy ♥ said...

@ Kriselle:

Yep. Ayyah is so so paranoid too.

She says she's even scared to go out.

Geez, there's always one or two confirmed cases everyday!

And to think that Zambales is only some miles away from Laguna. *shivers*